Trig Demo - D3
The first thing that should be shown in any Trigonometry class, done in
d3.js Compare to:
// // Trig // (function () { var ID_TRIG = '#trig', X1 = 'x1', X2 = 'x2', Y1 = 'y1', Y2 = 'y2'; var data = [], width = 760, height = 260, xmin = -1.2, xmax = 5, ymin = -height * (xmax - xmin) / width / 2, ymax = -ymin, xScale = d3.scale.linear(), yScale = d3.scale.linear(), vis ='svg:svg'), decor = vis.append('svg:g'), graph = vis.append('svg:g'), path = graph.append('svg:path'), b = graph.append('svg:line'), c = graph.append('svg:line'), circle = graph.append('svg:circle'), dot = graph.append('svg:circle'), label = graph.append('svg:text'), sine = d3.svg.line(), time = 0, i; for (i = 0; i < 84; i++) { data.push(i * 10 / 84); } xScale .domain([xmin, xmax]) .range([0, width]); yScale .domain([ymin, ymax]) .range([0, height]); vis .attr('class', 'trig') .attr('width', width) .attr('height', height); sine .x(function (d, i) { return xScale(d); }) .y(function (d, i) { return yScale(Math.sin(d - time)); }); // X-Axis decor.append('svg:line') .attr('class', 'axis') .attr(X1, xScale(xmin)) .attr(Y1, yScale(0)) .attr(X2, xScale(xmax)) .attr(Y2, yScale(0)); decor.append('svg:line') .attr('class', 'axis') .attr(X1, xScale(Math.PI)) .attr(Y1, yScale(0)) .attr(X2, xScale(Math.PI)) .attr(Y2, yScale(0) + 8); decor.append("svg:text") .text(String.fromCharCode(960)) .attr("x", Math.round(xScale(Math.PI))) .attr("y", (yScale(0)) + 24) .attr("text-anchor", "middle"); // Y-Axis decor.append('svg:line') .attr('class', 'axis') .attr(X1, xScale(0)) .attr(Y1, yScale(ymin)) .attr(X2, xScale(0)) .attr(Y2, yScale(ymax)); // Time label .attr("x", 2) .attr("y", 24); // Circle circle .attr('cx', xScale(0)) .attr('cy', yScale(0)) .attr('r', xScale(1) - xScale(0)); // Dot dot .attr('cx', xScale(0)) .attr('r', 4) .style('fill', '#fff'); // Triangle c .attr(X1, xScale(0)) .attr(Y1, yScale(0)); function draw() { var x = xScale(Math.cos(time)), y = yScale(-Math.sin(time)); path .attr('d', sine(data)); label .text('t = '+ Math.floor(time / Math.PI)); c .attr(X2, x) .attr(Y2, y); b .attr(X1, xScale(0)) .attr(Y1, y) .attr(X2, x) .attr(Y2, y); dot .attr('cy', y); time += .015; setTimeout(draw, 1000/60); } draw(); })();